Thursday, December 7, 2006

TED 2006 Conference Presentation: Aubrey de Grey

Presentation by Aubrey de Grey at the Technology Entertainment Design (TED) Conference 2006.

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Related topics include:
Cryonics (cryogenics), anti-aging, caloric restriction, transhumanism, nanotechnology, technology, nanobots, immortality, Methuselah Mouse Prize, scientific conquest of death, longevity, fitness, health, population control, birth rate, death rate, rejuvination therapies, aging reversal, Aubrey de Grey, live forever, cancer research, technology, nanobots, research, gene therapies, disease, transplants, physics, chemistry, computers, computing, bioscience, nutrition, exercise, philosophy, sociology, politics, history, elixir, drugs, singularity, Ray Kurzweil, matrix, supplements, suspended animation, cryo sleep, scientific debate, MIT, Technology Review, Cambridge conference sponsored by Larry Ellison, overpopulation, 1000 year lifespan, thousand year lifespan, infant mortality, science breakthroughs, futurist, future, war on aging, medical, youthful, retirement, computer engineer, genetics, research.

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